Week 2
Day 1 photos.
Day 14 photos.
Friday, January 25th, 2012 - Weigh In!
Week 2 weight loss, -9 lbs = -24 lbs to date.
After a week where I didn't think I'd lost that much weight I will certainly take another 9 lb loss! I'm taking these one week at a time so I'm hitting the reset button and starting week 3. I'm planning on upping my walking and adding a night of hockey into week 3 so I hope to continue this trend. I feel great over all. I have my bouts of feeling tired but I think that has to do with some low blood sugar and of course working out 5+ times a week. When I remember to eat my normal balanced meals and some small snacks in between I feel very good. The classes are getting harder to get my heart rate into that 'orange zone'. Again, I seem to fare better when I do the cardio portion of the work out first. That's not always been possible due to the number of people in the classes. I'm still very motivated to reach my weight loss goal, I'm loving the results so far. I've dropped a lot of weight in a short time but really feel healthy and energetic. I'm drinking a ton of water each day and taking vitamins to ensure I don't flush them all out of my system. Looking forward to week 3!
Wednesday, January 25th, 2012
Week 2 is flying by, yesterday it seemed all this working out was catching up with me. After my morning workout I was tired most of the day and into the evening. Today is my planned off day from OTF. I don't think I will entirely take the day off from excercise, probably do a 5 mile walk when I get home from work. I don't feel like I've lost weight this week, maybe a little, but nothing like week 1. I would be happy to see 5 lbs loss. That would put me exactly on my goal pace of 10 lbs a week. That's lofty, I know but it's what I feel it may take to win both local and national. I have not done as much walking this week as last week. Partly because I've felt I've needed some rest and my muscles have not been quite as sore. Walking has certainly helped out in that department. I'm going to pick back up with the walks, biking, and hockey. Losing the weight will continue to get harder and I really want to keep posting decent numbers per week. Other than being tired yesterday I really do feel great. I have a nagging pain in my right hamstring, the other pains have seemed to come and go from day to day. I've noticed that when I do the cardio/treadmill portion of class first I get a better workout in regards to the 'Orange Theory'. It elevates my heart rate faster then when we transition to the circuit training it's easier to maintain a higher heart rate. At 5:30 am it's hard to get your resting heart rate up with the circuit training portion first. You still get an amazing work out it just seems more time is spent in the green zone than the orange.
Week 2 is flying by, yesterday it seemed all this working out was catching up with me. After my morning workout I was tired most of the day and into the evening. Today is my planned off day from OTF. I don't think I will entirely take the day off from excercise, probably do a 5 mile walk when I get home from work. I don't feel like I've lost weight this week, maybe a little, but nothing like week 1. I would be happy to see 5 lbs loss. That would put me exactly on my goal pace of 10 lbs a week. That's lofty, I know but it's what I feel it may take to win both local and national. I have not done as much walking this week as last week. Partly because I've felt I've needed some rest and my muscles have not been quite as sore. Walking has certainly helped out in that department. I'm going to pick back up with the walks, biking, and hockey. Losing the weight will continue to get harder and I really want to keep posting decent numbers per week. Other than being tired yesterday I really do feel great. I have a nagging pain in my right hamstring, the other pains have seemed to come and go from day to day. I've noticed that when I do the cardio/treadmill portion of class first I get a better workout in regards to the 'Orange Theory'. It elevates my heart rate faster then when we transition to the circuit training it's easier to maintain a higher heart rate. At 5:30 am it's hard to get your resting heart rate up with the circuit training portion first. You still get an amazing work out it just seems more time is spent in the green zone than the orange.
Monday, January 23rd, 2012
Verdict on weigh in. I'm moving my initial weigh in to 291 lbs. That is simply adding the 15 lbs I lost to the week 1 weigh in number. This assumes the scale is now correct and moving forward there will be no mysterious 28 lbs of weight loss to try and explain. They wanted to minus 15 lbs from the 304 number, but that just means next week I'd have to deal with the same thing. It would have been better for me but I'm not going to continue this thing and have some reason for people to cast doubt. If someone else is bennefiting from the 'heavy' scale on initial weigh in, so be it. Onward and upward!
Monday, January 23rd, 2012
Due to the scale indicating a 28 lb loss, we have some issues with OTF. I've all ready discussed my doubts in their scale on original weigh in. I even asked them at that time about it, told them it was 18 lbs heavier than my scale at home, but it was what their scale said so that's what was logged. I figured if the scale was not touched it would effect everyone the same. I don't know if between day 1 weigh in and end of week 1 weigh in their scale was calibrated, nor have they indicated to me anything had been done to it. The situation is unfortunate, while my main goal is to achieve health, this is a competition with money awarded both locally and nationally. How can this gyms results be valid if thee most important part of determining a winner is in question, the scale! They called me to discuss the matter and what to do about it because they would not post my 28 lb loss and do not believe I lost that much weight, nor do I for that matter. That being said, the important thing now is what correction is made and is it fair to not only me but all in the competition. If the scale was 'heavy' the day I weighed in, how many others did it effect? If I agree to adjust my original weight down shouldn't everyone who weighed in 'heavy' have to make the same adjustment. The original weigh in amount is critical to how they determine a winner. The matter is not yet resolved but it sounds as if I'm the only one they want to adjust. I agree there needs to be an adjustment made but singling me out could mean someone else that weighed in heavy an unfair advantage. Stay tuned.