It's something we all need whether we like it or not. I don't typically respond to it that well. I could list tons of situations where it was suggested I do something and basically because it wasn't my idea, I didn't do it. At least didn't do it at that moment, I did it on my own time..that way it was my decision. I say that in past tense as if I don't still do that. The first literal push that has stuck with me to this very day came from my sisters. I was only 4 but vividly remember them tying on my double bladed hockey skates and pushing me around the outdoor rink in my home town of Willmar Minnesota. I still play today, albeit a beer league where what goes on after the game is more important that what does during. Some gentle nudges here and there got me through high school, college, and lots of instances in my career. After a long list of them from my wife that were treated as mentioned earlier..her last nudge finally stuck. She emailed me the link to Orange Theory and for some reason I looked into it. Here I am after just two weeks with them and am 24 lbs lighter. First thank you goes to her for continuing to push long, LONG after I should have been given up on. One of the great things about OTF is that they push, whether you like it or not. Working out 5 days a week I usually have three different trainers with in that week. Each one has their own twist to how they run the work out. No matter which one, they all give you a great work out. It's not one of those places you can come and skate by with minimal effort. Your effort is up on the TV screens for everyone to see, and if you're slacking they call you out on it. Coming from a guy that historically doesn't respond well to being pushed, I'm also giving a big thank you to the trainers and staff at OTF for doing just that. It's what I need and will hopefully have as lasting of an impact as my big sisters did.
Let's see here day 1 measurements...chest 49..waist 46..around both thighs 48... hmmm. I'm not in good shape, even after losing 24 lbs, not in good shape. It appears however I am a shape, no..not a triangle of which so many guys want there backs to emulate...but a rectangle. I guess it's my theme, after all it is the shape my feet leave in the sand. Meg is helping me take my measurements on each weigh in day so that I can track where the weight comes of first and/or last. I'm going to post the chart today on the 'my data' page of this site. It seems my chest is losing it the fastest and my thighs have also gone down relatively fast. Analyze that trend and you guessed it..I'm soon to be a new shape! Unfortunately, that shape is an oval or just a narrower rectangle. Either way, I'll take's definately a smaller version of what was and over time, maybe 'triangle' will work it's way in there. Of all things to change shape, I never thought it would be my feet... I put on a pair of my leather dress shoes the other day and they didn't fit, by a pretty large margin actually. I guess I have to go shoe shopping. I like shoes, it won't be too torturous.
Who doesn't love a little controversy? You can thank us folks down here in FL for the fact you and probably most people you know (voters at least) know what a 'hanging chad' is. And since my situation with OTF is obviously comparable to holding up a Presidential election I thought I'd throw it in. I mean we are talking about physical fitness here and I think some of those Palm Beach County voters could use a little working out. How hard is it to push the button hard enough to fully release the 'chad'? If you've read my OTF updates under week 2 you know what controversy I'm talking about. Given my agreement to adjust my initial weight, and no one else in the competition adjusting their initial weights, there's room for controversy. Since 'weight' and the percentage one loses is the core of this challenge, I could have called 'shenanigans' on the whole deal and the other 50 some people who had motivated themselves to enter this thing would have been informed the challenge was canceled. That would have caused some controversy! We agreed I had lost 15 lbs, we settled on a new weigh in amount, 15 + 276 = 291. I was informed that I am currently in first place. No one else even lost double digit weight. That's all well and good but the only day first place means anything is final weigh in. After over a week of being motivated, working hard and changing A LOT of things in my life, this stir up isn't what I needed. I don't get mad often, rarely actually, since anger is a good motivator that's exactly what I plan to do with this situation. Put in the time, stick to the plan I have all ready laid out, and post big weight loss numbers every week. Leaving no room for controversy at final weigh in.
I like sugar, and that paper route I mentioned afforded me a small amount of disposable income. For a kid with a sweet tooth as big as mine, that's not a good thing. My number one weakness, Skittles. The standard fruit, I don't know who decided to make the tropical ones but they're crap. A little cash in the pocket, a trusting Mom and I grabbed the BMX and headed to Tom Thumb. They didn't have 'king' size back then, but I may have had something to do with that. A standard bag just wasn't enough, I always opted for the 1/2 lb'r, and I could literally eat the entire bag in one sitting. I ate Skittles everywhere, probably because I had bags stashed everywhere, my bed, the couch, my tree fort.. This little addiction carried over for many years. Once I reached the age where I could choose what 'devils water' I wished to drink I found the sweetest thing on the shelf and mixed it with Coke or 7 Up. That particular Southern Comfort is not of which I speak and has lost its lure. Skittles however, stuck with me well into my thirties. After recently pulling off a freshly set cap with the very thing that cause me to get that cap in the first place, my dentist kindly told me Skittles was no longer in my vocabulary.
I've completed week 1 and have not only taken the Orange Theory classes 5 times but worked out in some form or fashion each day over and above that. South Florida is not known for being cool or cold, as matter of fact most of the time it's VERY hot, 98 with 80% humidity is the common temp for much of the year. On those days it's a chore just getting the mail. So the seasonal timing of this competition has been key to my ability to back up my OTF workouts. The un-comfort of Summer would certainly have had an effect on my motivation this week. Walking the dog for miles is the norm now, rather that blocks or simply to the corner and back. So I'm hoping for the continued winter comfort of South Florida to help me through the remaining weeks. 28 lbs in the first week. Got to be some kind of record! I've been eating like a bird and working out a lot but man! We've had some discussion about the scale and that it might be off...just hope it's off for everyone and the data is still legit. Makes a tough week to follow! Honestly I feel great, the muscles aren't too sore and feel like I can actually work harder next week. It starts tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., I get to sleep in!
If you are reading this you most likely know me in some way and might know that mornings are not my thing. Rather than admitting I'm lazy or just, for lack of a better word..a jerk for the first thirty to forty five minutes of the day I like to blame it on my childhood. You see, I wanted to play hockey as a kid and it was expensive. So how does a young kid earn some money for those $300 skates (very expensive 'back then')?. A paper route. My sister and I shared the duty for a couple years then I took over full time. Pretty sure I was thee worst paper boy that neighborhood has ever seen. M-F people have to go to work, so the paper is expected early. I rate my M-F performance a 7 out of 10. Unfortunately for my customers, Saturday in the paper delivery world seemed to afford a bit more leniency. I took full advantage. I've seen my fair share of old ladies in curlers and men in robes, most likely on their second cup of steaming coffee waiting patiently for that final piece of morning bliss, the paper. In my mind I wonder; Did I hate mornings then? or did having that paper route cause me to hate mornings? I subscribe to the latter scenario, that way I have something to blame.
So here's the point, it's only a few days into this thing. I've sworn off alcohol, soda, coffee, sugar, and as much sodium as I can. I've worked out in some shape or form 6-7 times, and not only eat less but eat healthier, and all ready mornings aren't so bad. Emotionally this is tough for me. I've become pretty fond of my two Advil, bottle of water, cup of coffee and bowl of honey nut Cheerios mornings. You know, 45 minutes of being mad at the dog for being taught he has to pee outside and can't work the front door both ways. This morning, I actually had to get him up! This is thin ice we're treading on. Is my new morning bliss going to include me waiting at the front door for the paper? I guess it's only fair. No not first workout at OTF is done anyway. I didn't lose any limbs, end up in the hospital or collapse from I think I'll try it again. Actually really like the format so MANY more to come. Since today was kind of getting to know how the class worked and what it takes to reach the 'orange zone', I signed up for tomorrow morning as well. If I really think I have a shot at winning local or national I am going to have to hit it pretty hard, at least as hard as my body lets me. Twenty years of drinking beer and eating..well..whatever I wanted has certainly caught up to me and not provided me the body ready for Olympic training.
I signed up for this thing over a month ago and at that time was ready to jump right in. However, the gym didn't open until today so it gave me some time to enjoy football season and bulk up a little (as if it was was fun though). I realized the last few days that it also gave me too much time to think about it, I was nervous leading up to todays workout. With el numero uno behind us I am certain that I can and will workout but am still a bit nervous about my diet and finding the will power that I will need. The good thing is I have a secret weapon, my wife. She has always been very conscious about what she eats. On our first date she had a 10 minute 'discussion' with the waiter about why she couldn't just get grilled chicken and steamed broccoli since both individual items are on the menu. I think she settled on a grilled chicken salad..minus the salad of course. Today I went for a bike ride around noon and came back to a very tasty and healthy chicken stir fry, perfectly portioned. Portions are to me like Kryptonite to Superman, I LOVE to eat and if it tastes good I want more, if there's a huge steak on the menu, bring it on..medium rare please. So Meagan is going to be my 'go to' in this department. I'm sure she'll have to put up with more than one occasion of my blood sugar getting low from eating like a bird and being a little 'cranky'. I'm sure she'll handle it just fine, she has experience in that department too. :) More later. In response to having the ability to leave comments during this process... I've HAD to start a blog within this site. So my plan is to leave more genral lighthearted info in this section. I will update each weekly tab with specific data about my weight loss, work outs and Orange Theory.
AuthorMark Noordmans - Husband, son, son-in-law, brother, uncle, nepheiw, and a pretty cool Boxer named Tyson. **And as of Aug. 15th, amazing little man named Blake! ArchivesCategories |