Before I go too far I'll recap my experiences outside of the workout studio. It started on day 1..weigh in, if you've read my weekly breakdowns you know the issues there. The scale was 'off' but only for me, so I was asked to adjust my weight down, or cancel the competition. Week 1 comes and goes, week 2, week 3, week 4...and not one mention via email or even their Facebook page that there is a weight loss competition going on. No words of wisdom, motivation, or support in any manor. As I mentioned before ONE trainer spent time with me on the topic. I've also entered the national challenge. I figured there would be some corporate communication about it, it is the first time they have ever done a nationwide challenge. Nothing...ZERO..I'm not sure that if I didn't know the key dates around the national challenge that I would probably never get asked or they even remember I needed to do a final weigh in. It comes to week 4 weigh in and since we hadn't heard anything about the competition Meg and I asked about it. OTF response; "Didn't someone call you?" and "Oh...the names are suppose to up on the board." Miraculously that after noon 'the board' appeared on their Facebook page. I took a good look at photo and the board, turns out they have the wrong percentage up for me. I've lost more weight than OTF has on record. How can this happen? Damn good question, so I called to discuss and after a few days I got the numbers that they recorded. It turns out I have different numbers down than OTF does. Week 3 and 4 are the largest differences. Not sure how this happened, I was standing on the scale while the numbers were written down. My numbers are slightly lower than what they have, and week 4 they only have me loosing .4 lbs. This is where I find myself scratching my head and saying WTF?
In one way, all these weekly numbers don't mean anything, the final weight loss number is the only one that is important in regards to winning. Winning however is not the only reason people join a weight loss competition. The competition serves as the vehicle for motivation. I'm afraid OTF doesn't get it, of all people to not get it! Ask yourself what type of client is attracted to a weight loss competition? These are going to be people that most likely need to lose a large amount of weight and are ready to make a life change. are in the business of changing peoples lives, not just providing a place to get a workout. Understand that the distractions you create by your lack of attention to detail are serious and can have significant effect on a persons motivation. I went into this very seriously, I could have picked 'CrossFit' as my vehicle for fitness...I didn't, I chose to utilize you, pay you, and in turn would appreciate some level of communication, awareness, guidance, any form of involvement that shows you too are serious and concerned about your clients. If I was not very committed to my personal change week 1's fiasco could have completely shut down my motivation. The recording of my data is important to me, and I want to feel like it's important to you.
I've went on at length...I've gotten my 'rant' down and out. WoooSAAAAH! I'm still very motivated to continue with the challenge and see through the changes I want to make for myself. I'll use the phrase my Mom used, (and many others for that matter) "I'm not mad, just disappointed." Since it's taken me 10+ years to get myself this motivated and make so many major changes, my emotions are high, I'm so vested in this I feel like everyone else should be too. I'm sure I have a bit of tunnel vision right now, Meg can attest to that. All I talk about is food value, working out, diet strategy. Writing it all out is my 'therapy' I guess, and maybe my perspective on this will help in some small way. See you at 5:30 a.m. OTF.